Friday, 22 August 2008

Monday Review Madness - Electric Six

Wow, I'm retarded.

So it turns out, after writing this on Monday, I hit save... but not publish. Bad times. So (slightly delayed) its Monday Review Madness! On a Thursday!

it's 2003, I'm in a hall at school where people are playing table tennis, my friend runs up and asks me if I want to go see Electric Six at Academy 2... Thank God I said yes.

You're probably sitting there right now going "The Gay Bar band???" and you'd be right. All depressed people (and Radiohead fans) should probably stop reading now. Electric Six are hilarious. Truly witty lyrics, amusing views, and a style that constanty changes from Disco, to Funk, to metal, to cabaret, to ballad, to... well... monologue.

Need proof? I'll list a few E6 song titles: Dance Epidemic, Kukuxumushu, Rock And Roll Evacuation, Naked Pictures (Of Your Mother), Nuclear War (On The Dance Floor), Dance Commander, She's White, Bite Me, Pink Flamingos, Vibrator... and that's just me literally scratching the surface.

If you're into laughing and feeling good, Electric Six is probably gonna float you boat big time. Every song is upbeat and catchy, and even the slower ones have lyrics that could melt Adolf's heart. Case in point:

Every problem can be solved by burning books
Every saviour is crucified next to crooks
Every human being starts with two...
Naughty looks

Electric Six. A band with 6 members, 4 albums and enough raw animal magnetism to turn away an entire army with nothing but a crotch-thrust

Oh, and they make videos like no-one else

GaZZuM Rating: 183/183

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